BJ: Que?
LILY (flatly): "I would like a bigger room." You haven't studied the French phrasebook like I asked.
BJ: You're not the boss of me, Lily. I'm real smart about this "expanding our minds" kick. I've found a way to watch TV and learn a language at the same time.
LILY: But we're supposed to be learning the same language--preferably conversational French.
BJ: I want to learn Spanish. I've learnt so much from Go Diego Go and Dora the Explorer already. Listen--Voy a comprar cigarros. No tengo ninguno.
LILY: Meaning?
BJ: "I am going to buy cigarettes. I haven't any."
LILY: Merde! You don't even smoke. Plus, there's no way I'm letting you spend all our pocket money on that stuff.
BJ: I have an idea. Why don't I speak to you in Spanish, and you talk back in French? What do you say?
LILY: El gato loco is what I say.
BJ: Habla español?!!! You've been holding out on me, Lily.
LILY: Only to amuse myself.
LILY: Bonsoir, V! We would like to dine now. Vous me comprenez? Do you understand?
BJ: Hola, V! I'm Diego. This is Baby Jaguar. And we're animal rescuers. Can you say rescate?
LILY: Ooh, I think she had salmon sushi for lunch. I'll give her an air kiss so I can get a closer whiff. Oui, poisson! Quelle odeur douce!
BJ: Poison?!
LILY: I said fish in French. Silly. Get a look at yourself in the mirror. You're white as a ghost.
BJ: Si. Pescados. Mmm. She's getting the food out. Let's go see what she's serving tonight, Lily. ¡Vámonos!

Oooh la la, vous, chats, sont tres amusants! Et aussie votre madame Vanessa!
Merci beaucoup, Mlle Anna!
Lily & BJ (et Vanessa)
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